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Expecting Parents

“Meeting with us before birth can be an important event, a time to ask all the questions that may be concerning you.”

– Dr. Natalya Davis, Norwell Pediatrics

Norwell Pediatrics - Pregnant belly both parents with hands on it in heart shape

Preparing for Your Newborn

Preparing your home with safety in mind is an important part of safely welcoming your newborn. You should consider fall risks, drowning hazards, choking hazards, potential poisonous or hazardous materials and safety items such as door-handle locks, electric outlet plugs, and cabinet/drawer locks. Also guns should be stored unloaded in a locked safe with separate lockbox for ammunition.

“Getting the car seat installed properly is extremely important.”

– Dr. Natalya Davis, Norwell Pediatrics   

You can reach out to your local fire department or police station for help if you need it.

The Poison Control hotline is good to have on hand: 1-800-222-1222

Preparing your home and obtaining all the necessary cloths and baby items can be fun and exciting… but also stressful. There is an overwhelming number of baby products on the market, but in reality only a few that are essential. The rest are for convenience.

Norwell Pediatrics - Toddler Feet Toys

Also many items can be purchased second hand for substantial savings. Be careful with older items that may have lead paint and do not buy old car seats that could have been in a crash and become damaged or compromised. Many items such as baby cloths are often passed around from parents of older children to new parents.

Norwell Pediatrics - Baby Items

Your baby needs a safe sleeping location, such as a crib. We recommend your newborn sleeps in your room close by, but not in your bed where you could roll onto them. Co-sleeping is discouraged due to the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

“A close, but separated, sleeping location such as a bassinet can be arranged within easy reach for night time breast feeding and care.”

– Dr. Natalya Davis, Norwell Pediatrics

Back to Sleep

Norwell Pediatrics - Crib in the dark with mobile and night light

“We also recommend a pacifier with back to sleep position only, to avoid a heartbreaking fatality of SIDS.”

 Dr. Natalya Davis, Norwell Pediatrics

If you are breast feeding you’ll probably need a good breast pump, some comfy pillows and a comfortable rocking chair are also helpful. Be sure to follow the recommendations for safe storage and usage of expressed milk.

Children laughing and holding hands
Pregnant belly
Baby toes
Mom holding baby
Girl asleep in car seat
Toddlers sitting and reading
Dad stressed with toddler
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Norwell Pediatrics - FAQ Woman in Yellow Holding Blue Question mark
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